Ingenjörsspelet (The Engineer Game) is a card game developed for HiQ’s presence at the LARM 2020 job fair. The purpose of it was twofold; have a fun party for the students during evening and as a sneaky way to determine their knowledge level. Reasoning behind it is that in order to make jokes about Testing Frameworks, Lisp and Edge Computing you need to have an understanding about it.

The game play can be described as a mix of Cards Against Humanity and Mad Scientist University. One player is the Product Owner and picks an assignment card. The other players take 3 solution cards. Using 2 of these cards the players should come up with the most entertaining solution to the assignment. Product Owner decides winner who keeps assignment card as score. Product Owner changes to person on right and a new round is started.
The card game was constructed in a few days using a card generator based upon LaTeX and Node.JS.